
Thinking about Sophia's birth

Everything has gone really well with Sophia. It's hard to believe she is almost a month old already!!

Thinking back from the begining, many of my gut feelings were wrong about this pregnancy. First I thought I was having twins, then a boy... both were obviously wrong. So at two weeks before my due date me thinking I would go into labor early shouldn't have been something I gave any credit to. But my usually pretty accurate intution, mixed with excitement had me convinced I would go early. I was wrong. She didn't come early & she didn't even come "on time." And I even thought nearing the due date I was losing my mind. But that didn't compare to how I felt the ten days past due she went.

The pregnancy was still going along healthily. Sophia was just in no rush to come. Admittedly, I LOVED going in for the non-stress test. I loved hearing her tiny heart beat & seeing her tiny body on the ultrasound. I loved (AND hated) the heighted emotions. And I also loved getting more projects done & spending more special moments together before our family of 3 became a family of 4. But we were also SO ready for her!

The morning I was ten days past due rolled around. This was the day of the scheduled induction. In the past, I secretly wondered if something was wrong with women who wouldn't go naturally & needed to be induced. I guess there's something wrong with me too. ;) We called the hospital the morning of the induction... and I couldn't believe it, there were no beds available. That's when I REALLY felt as if I would lose it! My parents had come in the night before (Steve surprised us!). We had a laid back morning, then went to Dewars and savored ice cream as we waited. I ate a too-big banana split and was hoping to not go into labor right after that.

When we grew tired of waiting, Matt called the hospital to see if it looked like a bed would open yet that day. They were confident it would, so we kept waiting. Nothing made time fly like watching X-men! About 1/3 through the movie, they finally called! It was an incredibly strange feeling to "check-in" to a hospital. You walk right up and say yes sign ME up for pain! Our friend Erin met us with joyful tears at the hospital. During labor, she acted as a labor couch & friend. It worked out well to have my parents at home with Zoe and later pick Jenn & Peyt from the airport bus station. (We couldn't believe Sophia waited for all these family members to come before making her grand entrance. We expected to have maybe even a month old when they came!)

Shortly after "checking in," the doctor came in to break my water. They then did blood work and a bit later started the pitocin. I'd been having low-lying contractions for at least several days that were not progressing and that i could hardly feel. But once the pitocin started, I could definitely start feeling my contractions! I planned all along to get an epidural. I was holding off a bit because I thought it'd wear off & I wanted the max effect! When I found out it wouldn't wear off, I told them to give it to me! Turns out, too, I got the epidural at the right time because my labor was intensifying. I had to get a second dose of the epidural because I wasn't feeling it on my left side, but it was very helpful! The whole process started at about 4p and Sophia was born at 9:32p. Pushing went well: spirits & energy was high! I got to feel her beautiful head before she made her grand entrance (with Zoe it totally freaked me to do this!). It was a little startling to find out later that the chord was wrapped around her neck, but the doctor took care of it quick and professionally. The bummer about that was that Matt didn't get to cut the cord, the doc did.

I got to hold her briefly, but they took her quickly for tests. I longed for my beautiful girl! When they gave her back, I just MELTED!! How wonderful new life is! The beauty of it never gets old!!

We were in the hospital for 18 hours. My mom and sister came within a half hour of Sophia's birth-- what a blessing!! Zoe-- along with Steve, Mom, Jenn & Peyton came back the following morning to see beautiful Sophia. Zoe was quiet and wide-eyed when she met her sister for the first time. It was a special moment. Of course, it was all a whirlwind for me.

We've had a blessed few weeks!!! We had the help of family for the first few weeks of Sophia's life. Not what we planned but in many ways it worked out so well. While i was not thinking much of food or cleaning, family helped out where i couldn't or wasn't interested. That was huge. In addition to my mom, Steve, Jenn & Peyt, Matt's mom was here for over a week & Matt's dad & brother will be here Tuesday. This last week was the first week we've had to be "us" & to start some sort of normal. But all in all it's been super good.

God has blessed us immensely!!! We are so thankful.

Holy Moments

I do not know how else to describe those PERFECT days-- other than to say, they are my HOLY moments. Those days that ooze quality time, wonderful weather, good food, laughter.... all of the best things. Today was one of those days. It was off to a good start. While I was half asleep, Zoe & Daddy snuck out to start their days to let me & the baby sleep a little more. The extra sleep was like therapy to me and I woke up feeling AWESOME!

After watching some Ninja Turtles, joking & laughing, everyone got ready to go for a walk at the river trails. We spent a long time out there walking along, chatting about life, looking at ducks, enjoying the weather and thinking about what we wanted out of life in CA. It was good. Everyone had a good time. And we ended with good Mexican food at El Torito.

You can't top days like these. PERFECTION.