B-17 Pictures
Delivering justice via .50 calibur machine gun on the side of the plane
real good!
BUT no sense crying over that!!!! I didn't even like it anyways. PLUS I started a new job. It's been cool-- the position is titled Research Assistant. My job is to fact check all the information for this magazine the newspaper puts out every summer called Kern Life. Kern Life is a resource book for residents & visitors alike. It lists all kinds of information like community highlights, concert venues, post offices, etc. My job is to make sure everything in that magazine is correct... so I go through it piece by piece. I'm excited because writing experience is something my life resume lacks & if I want to inch closer to a public relations career, i need that. It IS a temp. job of 5 weeks, but maybe it'll lead to more, who knows. So far, I'm enjoying it. And if nothing else, it's stinkin' cool to work in the newsroom. Plus I can eavesdrop on the news- like B-grade celebrity DUI's- before it is even published!
Here's a recent picture of Zoe & I from our Valentines love book we made for daddy:
Lucky there are a few other coffee shops here other than Starbucks or else my soul would long for Caribou Coffee all the more. I'm not saying I can't live without Caribou. What I am saying is Starbucks tastes like burnt dung. It often still feels surreal that we're here-- with this totally different life. I feel like a different person & reality is different here. I am determined to live in the now & I refuse to not dwell in the "if onlys." That doesn't always happen, but at least I'm trying to live on purpose. I'm trying to be someone who loves wisdom & loves love. I'm trying to be proactive in our thinking & think of how living in the present can give us a better future. And more all the time I realize how life is not handed to you. Only hard work & living life's adventures & riding out the valleys & and mountains......... life... we fight for life throughout the highs and lows. I want to work hard. I want to love. I want to do this right. Time for bed.
The Perks of Radio
At this point, I figured Mike had had enough, so I let him go.....