
Things I plan to own before 2214

I've been in dreaming mode lately... it's a good mode!

When I have the chance to splurge $20 here or there, I buy some of my favorite things (fabric or candles or photo accessories).

But lately, i was dreaming and thinking what would i do if I had a little more to blow (yeah, right).

Kitchenaid Mixer... LOVE! I am currently trying to win one of these on some blog. Maybe I'll win!

Silhouette Cameo ... this thing is my crafting dream.  The Cameo is a digitally-drive cutting device. You can load designs and fonts and it cuts it all for you. It cuts vinyl, fabric, paper... and more. ONE day!!

Random other things...

A shop vac 
An awning for our backyard
a playset for the girls
Some area rugs.

Okay... end of day dream! 

Hope you are having a fantastic beginning of November with happy dreary skies and warm drinks! Much love!