
What just happened?

I suspected this would happen! I am totally rubbing my eyes. What a whirlwind the last few months have been. Nearly 60 days after receiving notice from our previous place, here I sit, in our home.

SO much good to thank God for over the period of time. First I think of how God works all things for GOOD!! Even though we didn't feel ready (in various ways) for a purchase, God used this situation to show us His goodness, His timing, etc.
  • Our realtor was awesome. We know it's his job, but he really went above & beyond the call of duty looking over every last detail well for us. Because he was a big fan of the radio station, we enjoyed seeing him get giddy when we spent time together.
  • And with that, everything moved along very quickly. With a timeline of two months, we started looking right away. The first home we liked fell through. We found our home, a bank-owned, & went from an offer to closing in 3-weeks. Employees at the bank said they've never seen a bank-owned process anywhere near that fast.
  • And I personally have been so impressed with Matt. He has been so on top of this process, taking care of everything in such a huge way. I have not even known all the things to take care of and he's been flying through things that need to happen. I've been so proud of him!!
  • And I cannot forget our church family. Everything with moving was up in the air until the last minute. We closed 3p on Friday & quickly developed a plan. That Saturday I wrapped up at the house & Matt painted at the new house. Monday we moved. We were so thankful for all the people that showed up to help us. People helped clean, weed, paint, move, organize & they brought pizza. True friends are shown at times like this. We are so appreciative!!
And so here I sit in our new home starting our third week here. We are mostly unpacked... okay maybe 65%. We just finished organizing the kitchen Friday night. The rest we've decided to not be in a rush with. Our room, Zoe's room & the accent wall have fresh paint. We can't wait to paint the living room & kitchen but it will be a very big project.

Matt has started turning our 3rd garage space into his dojo. He has built a wall there & painted. He's waiting on a few more pieces & his dojo will be completed. I am building a "mom cave" and trying to decide what colors officially to do. Right now, I'm thinking deep pink & grey. I'm excited to make an intentional creative momtime space.

We love our lemon tree. We have an orange tree too. We have some beautiful flowering trees. I found some dandelions out front & those dandelions are mine!! We are delighted to have our first home in a wonderful neighborhood with good schools. We are blessed.

I am feeling so thankful & in love.


This is our friend sneaky the squirrel. We set out some acorns for him on Saturday.

We watched as him become OVERjoyed when he found them. He ate some right away and then went about hiding them in the yard.
LOVED watching him!!

We've been watching him for awhile & Zoe decided to name him Sneaky. She says there's another she named Heidi (name I'm pretty sure because she hides, not because it's a name).

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I've hardly been able to leave the house this week. Zoe had a stomach bug Monday night, so it took her a few days to recover. Now Sophia has a high fever, aches, pains & super whiney. I've had to cancel everything all week long! I've been feeling bad as well because in a normal week it's hard to get quality work in but this is nothing like a normal week. I've struggled to get any work in! I'm getting bits and pieces in the last few days, but feel bad it can't be the quality I want it to be.

We move in a week & I am very much hoping everyone is well & happy soon. We don't need the added stress for our big move week for our first home!!! It's crazy because it's such an exciting thing to be buying our first home, but the last few months have had such high amounts of small things to overcome, it's been challenging to relish in the fact that we're getting our first home. So exciting!!

I'm hitting the town tonight. Well, sort of. Since I've been indoors much of the week, Matt is going to stay home & I am going to go relax at Borders. I'm really looking forward to collecting some decorating & painting ideas for our new home!! WHOO HOO.

It's beautiful outside today. Maybe if Sophia is feeling happy enough, we can take a walk.

Superbowl Sunday is in just a few days. We are going to do the "Packer" Bowl. We're going to pack while the game is on & come together for the commercials. And of course, we're going to snack on some great food. MMM. Matt tells me Fresh & Easy has a cilantro dip that I can't wait to devour!!

I'm going to finally take a break from my work. My eyes need something different to look at. Happy "Finally Friday!"