
What just happened?

I suspected this would happen! I am totally rubbing my eyes. What a whirlwind the last few months have been. Nearly 60 days after receiving notice from our previous place, here I sit, in our home.

SO much good to thank God for over the period of time. First I think of how God works all things for GOOD!! Even though we didn't feel ready (in various ways) for a purchase, God used this situation to show us His goodness, His timing, etc.
  • Our realtor was awesome. We know it's his job, but he really went above & beyond the call of duty looking over every last detail well for us. Because he was a big fan of the radio station, we enjoyed seeing him get giddy when we spent time together.
  • And with that, everything moved along very quickly. With a timeline of two months, we started looking right away. The first home we liked fell through. We found our home, a bank-owned, & went from an offer to closing in 3-weeks. Employees at the bank said they've never seen a bank-owned process anywhere near that fast.
  • And I personally have been so impressed with Matt. He has been so on top of this process, taking care of everything in such a huge way. I have not even known all the things to take care of and he's been flying through things that need to happen. I've been so proud of him!!
  • And I cannot forget our church family. Everything with moving was up in the air until the last minute. We closed 3p on Friday & quickly developed a plan. That Saturday I wrapped up at the house & Matt painted at the new house. Monday we moved. We were so thankful for all the people that showed up to help us. People helped clean, weed, paint, move, organize & they brought pizza. True friends are shown at times like this. We are so appreciative!!
And so here I sit in our new home starting our third week here. We are mostly unpacked... okay maybe 65%. We just finished organizing the kitchen Friday night. The rest we've decided to not be in a rush with. Our room, Zoe's room & the accent wall have fresh paint. We can't wait to paint the living room & kitchen but it will be a very big project.

Matt has started turning our 3rd garage space into his dojo. He has built a wall there & painted. He's waiting on a few more pieces & his dojo will be completed. I am building a "mom cave" and trying to decide what colors officially to do. Right now, I'm thinking deep pink & grey. I'm excited to make an intentional creative momtime space.

We love our lemon tree. We have an orange tree too. We have some beautiful flowering trees. I found some dandelions out front & those dandelions are mine!! We are delighted to have our first home in a wonderful neighborhood with good schools. We are blessed.

I am feeling so thankful & in love.


Alissa said...

This is so GREAT! I'm so excited for you guys! Maybe......I'll have to take another trip to CA sometime. :s we'll see about that, but....I'm excited to see your "mom cave" I laughed when I read that. You're just the coolest mom around. Love you Becky!

Amy said...

It's so beautiful and serene! You have a blossoming cherry tree out your front door, and your home is a beautiful blue. What more could a lady ask for in a first family home? : ) I absolutely adore the picture of Matt and Zoe putting up the gutter. It's one of those photos that makes me feel the emotions they have.