I have happily taken the role of family archivist (better than family anarchist... am i right?). So I'm traditionally the one who writes on this blog, but sometimes you do hear from Matt as well. He writes maybe 2x a year to my maybe 2x a month, but hey... it's collaboration. :)
I was looking at pictures from this summer and man have we covered a lot of ground!! It seems like so much has gone on, it's been hard to keep up with all the sweet moments. In short: Pismo camping, pita chips, 4th of July, watermelon seed spitting, sewing, Matt's 30th birthday countdown, freezer cooking, sophia's therapy, trip to ND, 8 years celebrated, growing peaches, creative team, milk bubbles, sunburns, yakzir maka, freedom, Tehachapi days, film school, muscle beach, walks, mustache party, Fusion Fridays, fabric, riding a horse, Comic Con, costumes on the kitchen floor, cooking with my girls, Pokey Little Pupply, scrapbooking, Dan O' Day, chalk, swim lessons, backyard play... and so much more. Blessed summer!!
We've been on a bit of a journey with Sophia. I've written before how she has been a little behind on her physical milestones. It's interesting to me how as a mom I instantly take the pressure and guilt on that my child being behind is because of something I did wrong. So lame that I think that. I've been working on that. Sophia is so close to walking now. Today she totally walked as her soft prompt just hung from her. So basically she thought she had support, but she didn't... and she was totally walking. She just needs to get through the fear & she'll be walking like a pro. The end is near :) ... Then we'll open a new chapter for her.
Zoe loves Kindergarten....... she is so happy to go to school. It is so sweet to see her run to me after school. Today she colored an "Itsy Bitsy Spider" booklet and on the cover wrote "to mom from zoe." Oooh man that was so sweet! I love it... I'll keep it forever. I love us both having the structure from the school schedule and I love what they're working through in Kindergaren. So basically, it's been good.
It's been such a blessing to have Erika here since late June. It's been huge. We've been making tons of memories and having her help here has been beautimous. Dang it I am so grateful!! I really enjoy Erika's company, but I am excited as she works on her next steps.
Been thinking lately about how truly amazing moms are. So so so so so amazing. So selfless. So hardworking. Even the light working moms are hard working compared to any other profession. :) I can only now appreciate my mother... and probably only a fraction to what it's worth. Hug a mom today!!
I've been doing a lot of missing lately... Wish I could visit my family on a regular basis. Wish we could visit matt's family on a regular basis. And now with my parents selling their house and Erika heading back, I want to be where they are. I feel like we're jipped by not getting to make memories with them every year & they're jipped in the same way. I need to be patient and grateful... The Lord is my Shepherd. :)
This is a piece of patch... a little this, a little that... but a time to recognize the beauty of today.