A Fair Deal
A little behind schedule, this evening we are finally making it out to see Cloverfield! Even in Matt's interview with Jeremy Camp this week, he re-affirmed our need to see this movie & said it is a must-see in the theater. Only a fool doesn't listen to Jeremy Camp's advice. We are stoked to go. I love the freedom of being able to go out with Matt & I am so thankful we have met people that seem to love helping with Zoe. It's a fair deal, I say.
La da da da da... feeling groovy.
Matt & I LOVE the GMA week in Nashville every year. It is the Gospel Music Association week
everyone comes to: musicians, broadcasters, speakers,merchandisers, etc. When I say everyone will be there here's what I mean: you walk out of your hotel room & there's David Crowder talking with some people; You take your daughter swimming & notice, oh boy, that's Mac Powell swimming with his family; & of course, there will be as many interviews with as many artists as we can schedule. This is the one time each year we are giddy little school children. We've gone twice in the past- 05 & 06- & became GMA Addicts. Plus nothing beats sweet southern BBQ... beware restaurants aren't open on Sundays. HELLO BIBLE BELT! This year, we weren't expecting to be able to go, so Matt decided he probably wouldn't even bring it up at work. To our surprise, last week the radio station offered to send us both. Now with everything but plane tickets purchased, we're going to NASHVILLE April 19-23 for GMA Week 2008. GOOSBY! The picture on the last is from GMA '05. It is Matt from the band Spoken & of course he is holding Zoe.

I love seeing how Bakersfield evolves into more of a home for us. We are making more connections & giving Bakersfield a little Pelishek flav. I'm just thankful to God for bringing us here & knowing what he's doing. :)
A few weeks ago, we had a get-away in San Simeon, on Californias Central Coast . Our trip was delayed slightly with car trouble (which ended up being something silly). Terri, Matt's boss, came to help & was nice enough to let us use their car so we didn't have any more delay. Our friend Erin who we met at Life Journey watched Zoe for the day & 1/2. Her family is so sweet & it's so fun to see how they love Zoe. :)
The route to the coast takes about 2 hours & winds through wine country. There are probably 15 vineyards on the way- each welcoming wine tasting. We checked out a really cool one on the way to the coast. It was a castle. Yep... a CASTLE. We had fun just jumping around & enjoying being in a castle. 

It was pretty awesome. It's so freeing to be able to do whatever we want, whenever we want.
The stores had lots of wine & fun food items... and it's just interesting to learn about wine
culture. Once we checked into our hotel, it was very rainy; they call it off season for a reason. We were ready to go, so we heading out... Hearst Castle, a huge boardwalk, & looked for shops. We eventually headed back to our hotel- one of the only hotels right on the coastline in Central Cali. Our room had an oceanview & a fireplace! Despite the wind & rain, we headed to the hot tub for awhile & had good conversation. That warmed us up enough to stand in front of the fire pit & look out at the dark ocean. We ordered room service when we came back to our room-- just because we could!

We had a lazy morning & rightfully so! After we got moving, we walked along the beach by our hotel. We decided to let the ocean dance on our feet. I stood too deeply in & got water up to my hip- OOPS. After that, we drove to see the elephant seals along the shore. It was mating season so it was quite the site.
Matt & I sat observing them for a long time & cheered on males whenever they would fight. Some took some serious chunks out of the others necks. I thought it would be funny to see humans do the same thing. Some do, I suppose, but most are relatively civil. Any hoo, we started a casual drive back. We stopped to get gas in San Luis Obispo. We couldn't find a gas station right away, but we did fnd a really fun downtown area. We parked & took time to look at the antique, food & specialty shops. It was actually one of my favorite times because it was unplanned & the quality of the time was stellar: good conversation & fun looking at all the little things.

Overall, it was a great get-away. We were able to do things on a whim- how & when we wanted- & renew that sense of togetherness. OH YEAH. The more I think of it, the more awesome I realize our get-away was. WHOO.

Superbowl - Pelishek style
Its Superbowl Sunday. To this I say, so what? Usually in the weeks leading up to the Superbowl, I use the same line every year. I will start a conversation by saying "hey, who's playing in the Superbowl again?" and as the unsuspecting, well meaning sports fan begins to answer, I cut him/her off and say "oh, thats right, I don't care." I tried to avoid that this year because, well, it pretty much makes me a jerk.
Its the time of year I like to call out the people that make a huge event out of this game, lots of planning, decked out in their teams gear, etc. This is socially acceptable, but a guy who would rather spend his time watching a sci-fi film or attending a convention with other fans is quickly made an outcast. Anyways, I digress.
So what DO we do for the Superbowl? At times in the past, I've been known to be the outcast who pops in Star Wars instead. Although, while I've never had the least care to the game itself, there is something to the atmosphere of a Superbowl Party. Heck, I've been in charge of planning very large SB parties. Those, however, always involved a live concert for halftime, (rather than watching some top 40 crap artist) lots of give aways, and of course the food. This year we are laid back. Its more an excuse to make party food for us. I made my million layer dip, we've got chips, lil smokies, more chips, home-made roasted almonds, and more chips.
We are the type to grab a plate of snacks and sit down for the commercials, and when the game is on, its time for bathroom breaks and refills. Commercials during this time are facinating to me. They are usually very clever, but if you know anything about marketing, those commercials that really make you laugh usually do very little to sell a product. For millions of dollars for mere seconds, what does a company want to tell us? Its interesting, and usually entertaining.
So, when all is said and done, I sound more negative than I actually am about it. Nothing wrong with a couple hours of hilarious commercials and huge plates of party food.
Its the time of year I like to call out the people that make a huge event out of this game, lots of planning, decked out in their teams gear, etc. This is socially acceptable, but a guy who would rather spend his time watching a sci-fi film or attending a convention with other fans is quickly made an outcast. Anyways, I digress.
So what DO we do for the Superbowl? At times in the past, I've been known to be the outcast who pops in Star Wars instead. Although, while I've never had the least care to the game itself, there is something to the atmosphere of a Superbowl Party. Heck, I've been in charge of planning very large SB parties. Those, however, always involved a live concert for halftime, (rather than watching some top 40 crap artist) lots of give aways, and of course the food. This year we are laid back. Its more an excuse to make party food for us. I made my million layer dip, we've got chips, lil smokies, more chips, home-made roasted almonds, and more chips.
We are the type to grab a plate of snacks and sit down for the commercials, and when the game is on, its time for bathroom breaks and refills. Commercials during this time are facinating to me. They are usually very clever, but if you know anything about marketing, those commercials that really make you laugh usually do very little to sell a product. For millions of dollars for mere seconds, what does a company want to tell us? Its interesting, and usually entertaining.
So, when all is said and done, I sound more negative than I actually am about it. Nothing wrong with a couple hours of hilarious commercials and huge plates of party food.
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