

I just tucked Zoe in to a state of the art fort, built right in the cozy of her own room. Okay, it's not state of the art. But nonetheless any fort for children (and some adults) is a wonder not to be underestimated. She gets to sleep in there tonight. It is her reward. You see, she has had this "thing" lately. She had been coming into our room at 2,4,6 in the morning and crawling into our bed. Some days I would roll over and every living thing in our house was sleeping in our bed (me, matt, zoe, chart and the baby in my belly). I do not know what was waking her up. All I knew was that with the baby coming soon, this couldn't keep up. So I devised a plan. 10 days where she sleeps in her bed the full night until at 7a & she gets the reward of sleeping in the fort. It worked like a charm. Mom and Dad have been sleeping better, Zoe gets her rewards, and we're more content knowing her cuddling ins't a strong habit. Good stuff.

The baby is due in 12 days. I had my check up this morning. I am presently 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced. I'm trying to remember that even though things are progressing quite well, the baby will come anytime she pleases. We shall see. Meanwhile, the bags are packed, childcare is in order, back-up plans are prepared... I think we're ready.

And if the baby doesn't decide to come this week, we've got plans. Tomorrow night, we have a basketball game followed by a concert (featuring new frontman of newsboys: mike tait), Friday is the next Mile 124, Saturday Matt flies on a WWII bomber... and Sunday... we rest. :)

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