
A greater lesson in patience

So I thought I was feeling the anticipation prior to the due date, but now that's she's gone past her due date, I'm just losing my mind. :) But that surely makes for a fun weekend. On Friday, I took Zoe to the dollar theater. The movie wasn't great, but it was nice to get out and do something fun. That evening, I insisted we ordered extreme supreme pizza and then I ate ice cream in the bathtub. I consider myself to be a reasonable pregnant woman. But everyone is only reasonable so far. I feel like this baby girl may stay in my belly indefinitely, so I've decided that it's reasonable for me to do nutty things. :)

Friday morning I took a coupon in to a nearby smoothie shop for a free smoothie. The man in there had a fabulous handlebar mustache. I decided that day that if I were a man, i definitely would have a handlebar mustache. Seriously, it's like a party on your face! Anyways, since my gears were already going all crazy, it got me thinking WE SHOULD HAVE A MUSTACHE PARTY! I decided everyone would wear mustaches and we would watch Burt Reynolds movies. So I set out to invite everyone and hold it Saturday night. Unfortunately it was too last minute and no one could come. However, it kind of served it's purpose... to occupy my mind with some sort of adventure. And we surely are going to reschedule it for the future because THAT was a fabulous idea!

I am amazed at the power of perspective. I actually hate it!! Sometimes I wish I could take off my glasses and see the world as it is or through some other more healthy alternative. I've established this perspective over time and it's not shaking off easily. I think that's good and bad. God made us all unique... and we all have unique backgrounds and stories and bents which all play a role. It's important to me stretch that perspective constantly so i can be stronger, better. With the 'extra' days of pregnancy, it's hard to keep a good perspective-- one enjoying everyday life-- but I need to! When she does come, life will be different, so I should cherish & enjoy & live every moment I can!

Family will be here starting on Wednesday. I have some tests tomorrow morning at the docs office... and if i am still pregant then, I will be getting a pedicure from my friend karen. They will induce me Thursday if I still haven't had my baby. By then my mom, Jenn & Peyt will be here. And if that's the case, maybe there's something to that.

I'm going to take an early morning bath & read some of "Captivating." This is the day the Lord has made!

Btw, this is Kalumba. We've been sponsoring him since 2003 through Compassion International. He is almost 14 years old!! I cannot believe he is almost an adult-- well by our standards anyways! He lives in Uganda, Africa. His lives with his mom and grandma. His mom sometimes works as a farmer. He is awesome... and could his outfit be any cooler? He is strong and helps out a lot at home and is doing well in school. We are proud of him! We just recently have been wanting to learn more about his country and his life. I'm excited to learn more!


Cora Lynn said...

love the ice cream in the bath tub idea! i'm going to climb in an empty bath tub with all my clothes on the next time i have ice cream. (;

Unknown said...

HA, i sure hope you hold your word!

Rhiannon said...

I only just now read this...
I really think you are awesome and I totally will try ice cream in the bathtub next time I am crazy late like you were!!! :-)