
A day for her

The day before Zoe's birthday we brought treats to her school. A few days after we were having a party with her friends. But I couldn't just NOT do anything on her birthday!! So at the begining of the day we made a list of all the things she wanted to accomplish on her birthday. It included:
go to the park, have a picnic, build a fire, get wood with daddy, legoland, play with carebears and CHART, find treasure, go on a walk, make paper snowflakes, play on the computer, have a puppetshow, watch a cartoon, make In N Out burgers & fries, listen to daddy on the radio, take a shower, have a photoshoot & draw on her hands.

We accomplished almost all-- except for have a puppet show & make paper snowflakes... and of course we couldn't go to legoland. When Matt got home at the end of the day, I was totally spent so he told Zoe she should thank mommy for all the wonderful things we did together that day. And she said "but she didn't have a tea party!" STINKER!!

It was a fun day! I'm glad we did it.
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