We celebated Sophia's birthday this Sunday. Can't believe she's already ONE!!
Taking care of these children is such a gift to me. I am so grateful for the privelage and wish I wouldn't have any other distractions so I could focus fully on these treasures. It has been a delight raising Sophia this first year. I cannot forget the anticipation one year ago as we waited for her birth. Being in no hurry has been the theme of Sophia's first year- from being "late" 10 days to taking her sweet time on crawling & walking.
We've had a great first year. Happy birthday sweet little Sophia. I adore all those moments: seeing you bond with your sister, your sweet smile & giggle, your favorite tongue game, spitting food at me, loving to fall backwards ... and so on. LOVE YOU! I bless you, love you, teach you, nurture you with my every breath.
Little girls, like butterflies, need no exucse. -- Robert A. Heinlein