
FIRE! Too close to home!

I had just come home from picking up some groceries when I heard a 'pop.' I turned to look and this is what I saw. This view is from in front of our apt, so you can see how close it is. I ran over to see what was going on, and 2 units (top and bottom) were COMPLETELY engulfed in flames. I was the first one there and called 911. Soon after, I saw the lady who lives in the lower one(thankfully wasn't inside) running towards it. Apparently she had only been away 10 minutes or so. After calling it in, I took these videos. They are not good quality since they are from my phone. Since I was the first to see it, I later had to give a statement to the fire investigater and was interviewed by one of the news crews on scene. Nobody was hurt, although some pets were in the fire.

It was really scary considering how close it was. Heck, it was scary just seeing it up close. I had no idea if it would just shoot across the complex, and I was trying to decide if I should grab anything out of our home, and what to grab. It was a scary reminder of how quickly that can happen. I stood really close to the lady who lived in one of the, and she was obviously devestated. Everything she owns, including some pets, gone. Thankfully, the fire department showed up very quickly and put it out before it spread. The other posted videos below this one show a veiw from the front as the firefighters were putting it out, and then also a quick video of all the fire trucks that not only filled our parkinglot, but also all over the street outside of our complex. No word yet on what caused it. Praise God it wasn't any closer. Even my clothes smell like smoke just from being out there.

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